Some reflections on 1994
This is a summary of what we were doing in 1994, written as a reflection from twenty years later, and based on diaries and photographs from the time
Peter: The year began with commuting daily to Ruddington, south of Nottingham working for a strange corner of Government called DTELS, and ended with looking for a new job. Privitisation was an interesting experience, essentially ending one day with a drive to Winchester to be told personally that the new owners didn't need another person to look after their Information Technology.

The Civil Service had moved everyone into a brand-new building in anticipation of privatisation: and the new owners had decided to close it after fifteen-months' occupation, but not to announce it until the purchase was completed: much teeth-gnashing resulted, including from the Treasury who paid for the whole thing by way of reduced purchase-price. The vast lump of redundancy pay was a help in the process: I had never previously worked out the sums for a twenty-year-serving Civil Servant whose services are no longer needed at the age of 44. But they will be useful to someone. Surely??.
Elaine: Working in Rotherham. IWA Lavender Boat plied its trade in Waltham Forest this year.

Iain: In third year at Tapton School. Still keen on reading lots of books. ... ... ...

Canalling: Second year of using our shared narrowboat Copperkins. Commissioned a new seventy-foot shared boat (with eleven others) and that's now being built. Also had a farewell trip on Middlewich Narrowboat's nbBeech which we first hired twenty years ago and is now being sold.

Below is a very wobbly bank: unsuccessful piling with plastic, and Peter in the horse tunnel at SHrewley on the Grand Union.

Ringing: An exhibition in Ranmoor Church included some romes and simulated ringing on them. The band had a tour to York.
Text:Peter©2014 Pictures:Peter©1994(scanned 2013) Layout:Peter©2014