Our 1997
Popular demand requires this update from our 1996 circular, to include 1997 happenings
Iain: Predicted growth to a door-frame clumping six-six has, with much concentration, been avoided, and he has paused at a manageable six foot two.

Is still at Tapton school, and started an A-level course in Maths, Physics and Computing after good GCSE results (A*AABBBCCC). Had work displaced the computer games, it might have been even better; while Maths was predictably good, he greeted an English pass high on the surprised-incredulous-thankful scale, and so avoiding repeating it this year.

Certificate-presentation evening at school denied his claimed success at melting into the background: they had noticed that reading three paperbacks each week requires head-burying in every spare and not-so-spare moment. Wonderful wireless doorbell outside bedroom makes particularly irritating BING-BONG noise, so summonable to meals at the touch of a button instead of ceremonial bellowing - not sure why we bother, though.

Fencing still occupies Thursday evenings.
Peter: When we organised a work meeting for 2nd May to decide to whom we would award a many-million-pound computer contract, none of us predicted staying awake to 2am to cheer the demise of Portillo (with apologies to those crying into their beer at the time).

On that and most other days, still driving to Nottingham to play with the Driving Standards Agency's computers and working on how driving tests are organised. Completed a circuit of the car's mileage dial: that's 100,000 miles since 1993 when first started working away from Sheffield; and only the one new engine needed.

Elaine: We all had to marvel at the picture in traditional(ish) boatwoman's gear emptying an elsan into a huge funnel, printed in a Waterways magazine, and taken at the rally at Henley-on-Thames in August.

Otherwise still sorting out the sewers of Rotherham, still for three and a half days a week.

Tatting, reading, and ringing still occupy the rest of the time. Yoga, for the exercise, occupies Monday evenings, and producing computerised newsletters for lacemaking and ringing fit into spare moments.
Just the nine trips this year, not including breaking the ice at the Christmas trip 1996.

Odyssey is seventy foot and red: Copperkins is almost sixty and green.

Ringing: Iain still looks reluctant, but maybe he does enjoy the odd moment at Ranmoor on Tuesday evenings and when dragged from bed on a Sunday morning.

The 30 handbells still spend most of their time in the cupboard, but are released on most Sunday afternoons. Quarter Peals not in double figures yet this year.
House: We managed to have the lounge redecorated: difficult to tell as the new carpet and the walls are both the same colour as before. But both now have fewer holes, so we think it was worth the effort.The mistake was moving all the books and finding four boxesfull in the kitchen which have no space in the new arrangement. The old carpet "might be useful for something" and prevents anything worthwhile being done in the garage, including mending the leak in the washing machine.

Perhaps we'll all do something more constructive in 1998.

Text:Peter©1997 Pictures:Peter©1997(scanned 2013) Layout:Peter©2014