Our 2003 circular

Elaine: http://www.scott-harty.com - still part-time on sewer modelling consultancy and courses. "Popular and successful" says the marketing literature. Supposed to be10hrs/wk but actually lots more. Idea was to give more time for tatting, sewing, etc - maybe next year. Took on some more bellringing administration - and organised the Lavender Boat at IWA rally this year - here is the team:

Peter: http://www.learndirect.co.uk still this year - office politics will probably make this the last year, though - work meetings even when steering the boat in the rain - hence the mobile phone strapped to the ear with a bicycle inner tube rescued from the cut. Must be daft. (Don’t answer that).

Lots of research on my naturalist, canalling and multi-talented namesake SirPeter, for an evening’s talk to the IWA - invites to take it around the country now awaited.
Canalling: Just 8 trips - almost 11 weeks afloat this year. Odyssey across the Pennines on the 2002-restored Rochdale Canal was the highlight. Only the one boat for Xmas this year but that’s what we looked like with the two boats in Birmingham at Xmas 2002.

Ringing: continued much as before.
Go Stedman Triples BPBBBBPBPP 60 changes

Text:Peter©2003 Pictures:Peter©2003 Layout:Peter©2014