Our 2005 circular

Peter: No more office politics: 55th birthday retirement on 31 July just as the office was being reorganised. Since then, the majority of nights have been away from home: and more time for Kokuru and ...

Canalling: 101 nights afloat on about 17 different trips - despite "Hello, Falkirk here: the hire boat you were expecting to have tomorrow has just sunk" - and an email "Not good news: there was a fire on Odyssey today, nobody hurt - need a complete re-fit from engine room to stern, new wiring, a repaint, new engine" - and just after Tower Bridge on the day after the election "we are boarding you for inspection under the powers of ..."

The Scotland trip was rescheduled for six weeks later the Falkirk Wheel is spectacular. Twenty weeks plus lots of the insurers’ money have Odyssey habitable again. The floating policeman was friendly, as was the tidal Thames that day.
Elaine: http://www.scott-harty.com - still part-time on sewer modelling consultancy and courses; the Wastewater Network Planner Comptency Guide (don’t ask) has taken some hours, lots of meetings and distracted from all that house tidying and making a tatted waistcoat. Organised the Lavender Boat at IWA rally again - see picture p25 of December Canal Boat. Tracked down at a lock for an autograph on the cover of the Waterworld video.

Iain: As his card would say - Cardiff office closed down - new job in Warrington quickly acquired - still modelling sewers. Hasn’t stopped reading.

Ringing: Try this Caters principle: It’s a sort-of ‘Treble Bob’ Caters - on which Kent, Oxford and some other Treble Bob Major methods work well. Peter’s peal board at the Fat Cat pub was pictured in the Ringing World just 20yrs after it was penned - and even credited on p1187 - well, the letter said it was lovingly made by "fellow ringer and drinker". Fame indeed.

Peter & Elaine Scott
3 Moorbank Drive
S10 5TH
0114 230 1870 (home)
07980 953880 (mobile)

Iain: iopgod@gmail.com
Text:Peter©2005 Pictures:Peter©2005 Layout:Peter©2014