Peter and Elaine's Christmas Greetings 2009

Elaine: Sort-of retired from sewer modelling  courses, but with all those committees (4 ringing, 3 boats, 2 IWA, 1 lace, including chairing Fulbourne and IWA WestRiding) there’s even less time for tatting, spinning, and bobbin lace. The apprehensive look is after steering past the Thames Barrier. Wielded a grappling hook at the Birmingham canals clean-up and fished out a motorbike. Lavender Boat duties were Nottingham-ish this year.

Canalling: Covered five extremities of the canal system: London Docks, Bristol, Liverpool's new canal, Tewitfield (north of Lancaster), and Norwood Tunnel (Chesterfield Canal). It needed all three boats, Fulbourne, Odyssey, Copperkinsand six tidal passages to achieve.

Peter: Four years into retirement, taken over as a national Trustee of the Inland Waterways Association, which generates even more meetings. But  the bedrooms did get reorganised, and the computers did get networked. And the  post-office rubber-band-ball is now at at 5lb10oz with a boxful of bands still to add. Excellent family weekend on the Isle of Wight.Pictures

Ringing: Working on the technology for teaching our new ringers; the simulator, televisions for the bell they are ringing, and of themselves to spot the style errors. Still some handbell practices on Wednesdays. And rang at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral – the heaviest set of change ringing bells. .

Iain: Still working in Warrington modelling sewers and the office moved so can't walk to work any more. Rang some rounds at York Minster. (!) One of these years he’ll send his own Christmas greetings…


3 Moorbank Drive   Sheffield

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Fulbourne in the snow near Little Venice February 2009

Text:Peter©2009 Pictures:Peter©2009 Layout:Peter©2009