Peter and Elaine's Christmas Greetings 2015
BCN bridges
Canalling: Our 143 days afloat and 2016 miles needed thirty separate trips-from-home and thirty different boats. Two days were filming with John Sergeant for a 2016 second ITV series of Barging Round Britain ( first, preview); our episode is about the Rochdale Canal. In October we were pampered again on Lord of the Glens, a cruiseship on the Caledonian Canal, this time to celebrate our both becoming OAPs. Picture (left) is of Oban, the boarding point for this trip, while some unexpected weather had an unexpected overnight mooring. On our summer trips on Copperkins, here's Hawkesbury; friends joined us at Aylesbury, Alrewas, and Burton. Fulbourne had some dry docking at Aylesbury, had a trip to the IWA Festival in Northampton, having paused in Stoke Bruerne.
Elaine: Ringing (still Ranmoor Tower Captain) and IWA (still West Riding Chairman and magazine editor) fills more time between canal trips than it should, leaving too little time for spinning, making lace and knotting. Knotting with synthetic cord allows work to be carried out on rainy boat trips. Also steered Catalina carrying the WI centenary baton, and the mayor of Aylesbury.

Hatted: seriously, coolly, yellowly, wheelily, flower-pottily, sleepily, peakily, reflectively, backily, and occasionally not at all.
Elaine in non-canalling hat on a trip boat on the River Spalding

Peter eating an icy thing
Peter: Canalling bureaucracy (still an IWA trustee and on CRT NorthEast Partnership ) fills time between canal trips. Somtimes with boating oddities. Thanks to the passer-by who found my lost wallet (unexpected hole-in-pocket in town centre) and brought it home, ringing the doorbell just as I was phoning to cancel the cards. Less lucky was the much-wound Double Dunton jumping into the cut.

Ringing: Ranmoor's teaching technology still fun with bell-cameras seeing the stays being banged by lots-of-learners; up to twenty people at practice. Handbells going well with regular Sunday evening ringing. Sixtieth Anniversary Dinner of the Southampton University Guild of Change Ringers this year, and collected old photos into a blog. Helped with the ringing courses at Harrogate and Huddersfield and ran a handbell course in York, with some demonstration shadowing Plain Hunt on six.
House: Now has some new windows after resisting the delights of uPVC for 30 years. Much quieter. Patio-door-replacement-windows were there first, then brickie was summoned to build the supporting wall underneath.

Car:In 'new' car's first year, did 1297 journeys (counting out-then-back as two): so much for both of us having bus passes now. Just 26 whole-days on the drive. Wonderful thing, statistics.

Crosspool:We did have some icy roads in January: parked van hit by another: lucky escape for pedestrians.
Installing the new window and waiting for its wall
Iain: towpath-pedalled the Brompton from various outposts of the train network to join us on Copperkins for four trips.

Some of 2015 in pictures - first part, second part, and some of the Leeds and Liverpool for its 2016 bicentenary

Lest you missed 2014 or 2013 or 2012 or 2011 or 2010 or 2009 or 2008 or 2007 or 2006 or 2005 or 2004 or 2003 or 2002 or 2001 or 2000 or 1999 or 1998 or 1997 or 1996 or 1995 or 1994 or 1993 or 1992 or 1991
Iain Cycling Away
A fisherman
The London Eye
Loch Lomond
Windows from inside
A Wave
BCN bridges
A Dog
A descent
A Dog
Elaine's email:
Peter's email:
To both:
0114 230 1870 (home)
07980 953880 (Elaine’s mobile)
07973 468126 (Peter’s mobile)
3 Moorbank Drive, Sheffield, S10 5TH
Text:Peter©2015 Pictures:Peter©2015 Layout:Peter©2015 Links checked:Peter©2016