Peter and Elaine's Christmas Greetings 2019
Viewing instructions this year. There are still a few links to a single picture or web resource (see, enjoy, press the browser back button) and some to an album of 100 pictures or more (best to expand the top-right drop-down menu - the three vertical dots - then click the "slideshow" option. Return with the browser back button). If I have failed to select your best side in any of the pictures, please email and I'll remove you from public view. Enjoy!
Elaine contemplating
Elaine: Completed retirement as Ranmoor bellringers' Tower Captain and as canalling newsletter -editor, and still chairing the Yorkshire Association's Education Commitee; ringing the occasional Quarter Peal. Local library volunteering, some early-morning warm-pool swimming, yoga, and a bit of tatting still fills any spare moments. New enthusiasm for electronic wrist-device for counting steps, which helpfully includes the ringing-motion, knitting, and possibly painting. The spinning wheel and drop spindles and the lace pillow are occasionally dusted.

Peter: Sacked by Canal & River Trust from its volunteer -meetings and from trustees' meetings by Inland Waterways Association members, in an election after ten years in the job, which was completed just after the Festival of Water at Waltham Abbey; so fewer meetings gives more proper-retirement time to process the photos. Just 54,600 camera-clicks this year of which about 29,600 are visible from clicking around these greetings. Ringing continues to take lots of time and the bellringers' Central Council meetings may take up some of the spare moments, too; to celebrate its new method-rules try ringing all 120 doubles rows, each as three-whole-pulls separated by a called single-change, for a 720, or even six times repeated for a peal.
Canalling: Some of 2019 Inland Waterways summarised in pictures - first part, second part. Our 109 days afloat and 1221 miles needed 24 separate trips-from-home, 96 nights away, and 19 different boats to visit the waterway outposts of Greenwich, Mersey, Lymington, Portsmouth, Hythe, Leeds, Marsden, Stone 2, Coventry, Castleton, Watford, London's Olympic Waterways, Little Venice, Apsley, Broken Cross 2, Liverpool, Manchester, Rochdale, Toddbrook Reserevoir, Macclesfield, Winsford, Market Drayton, Great Haywood Birmingham, 2, 3, Braunston, Snarestone, 2, Bristol 2, Bath, Aldermaston, Hampton Court, Waltham Abbey 2, Sheffield, 2, Leek, Burton, Streethay, Whitby, and Chester.
Boatlessly: some summary photos. There were some long-weekends: to Southampton. for university ringers' dinner; a Braunston cottage with a round bath on the landing for 45-years married, Scarborough to watch the autumnal sea; and Chessington to wave at our old house, and by happenstance to marvel at the half-hourly bus service day-and-night to the zoo. Occasional visits to the pub, usually by bus, and days out to Castleton, Crich, Weedon, Aizlewood's Mill, Bletchley Park and Robin Hood's Bay.

Home: Crosspool is much the same. It's amazing how many contractors' visits are needed to fix a new rear fence. The car did 924 trips (home to supermarket to fuel station to home counts as three) which is 6% down on 2018, and managed 48 days on the drive without going anywhere. All unrelated to a traffic-demised badger on the road outside.

Artwork in Kingston-upon-Thames
Ringing: Went to ring towerbells on 171 separate days. Brief radio appearance for solidarity with the fire at Notre Dame at St Marie's Cathedral as part of 69 visits overall. Sheffield's new-ringers' continuing training used 51 two-hour sessions led by Elaine, some at Ranmoor, overall 152 ringing sessions there. Occasional ringing-visits to the cathedral (6 times) and their Christmas dinner. Also Walkley and other meetings were 15 more visits in total. We rang a family handbell peal: that's about 2 hours continuous ringing without messing it up and having to stop. Elaine also co-ordinated a "Grand Day Out" for 200+ Yorkshire-bellringers in Harrogate.
Families: Michael, uncle to Elaine died and we attended his funeral.

Excellent to catch-up with news of the 29-Scott-cousins at Barry's barbecue.

Iain: joined us for some of the canalling and ringing-training sessions, and still lives and works in Warrington with some occasional ringing.
Waiting for a bridge to be fixed
The Web We Weave
On t'web:

Lest you missed 2018 or 2017 or 2016 or 2015 or 2014 or 2013 or 2012 or 2011 or 2010 or 2009 or 2008 or 2007 or 2006 or 2005 or 2004 or 2003 or 2002 or 2001 or 2000 or 1999 or 1998 or 1997 or 1996 or 1995 or 1994 or 1993 or 1992 or 1991 or 1990 or 1989 or 1988
The pub
Well, the sign says it all
Birthday cocktails afloat
Looking over the wall
Well, the sign says it all
The Propcleaners
Lock holding
An 'at
The locks
Wigan Turning
P Throwing
At an 'at
E Throwing
Manchester Fulbourne
house at Chessington
Address the world from a sofa
Elaine's email:
Peter's email:
To phone:
0114 2301870 (home)
07980 953880 (Elaine’s mobile)
07973 468126 (Peter’s mobile)
To write:
3 Moorbank Drive, Sheffield, S10 5TH
Text:Peter©2019 Pictures:Peter©2019 Layout:Peter©2019